Pass time
Continuing students have three opportunities to register for courses in each regular academic quarter—Registration Pass 1, 2, and 3. This is a specific day and time period when a student may register for courses in GOLD. These times are assigned according to the number of units that the student has completed. Individual student registration pass-times may be found in GOLD.
Perm number
A student's Perm number, or permanent ID number, is an ID number assigned to any UCSB applicant or student. A person is assigned only one Perm number. A perm number may contain only numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers.
Pre-instructional activities
The Week of Welcome is filled with events that take place during the first week of the fall quarter each year. Events during Week of Welcome include New Student Convocation and Rec Fest. Many workshops provide students with information about involvement opportunities, administrative and academic services, and first-year concerns.
Some undergraduate academic departments at UCSB set specific course and GPA requirements in order to be granted "full major" status. This is separate from major preparation requirements for admission to UCSB.
If you are admitted to a pre-major, you will need to complete specific UCSB courses with the appropriate grades and GPA to be granted "full major" status. Please contact your major department for more information.
Students may not graduate while in pre-major status. Please contact your major department to move to the full major.
A course prerequisite is a course that must be taken, or condition that must be met before the student can register for another course. Prerequisites for courses at UCSB are listed in GOLD and the UCSB General Catalog. Students must meet prerequisites to register for a course, and instructors may only make exceptions in rare cases.