This page provides information about returning to UCSB after a break in enrollment, called readmission and reinstatement.

Undergraduate students


  • Readmission: students who left UCSB in good academic standing are eligible for readmission.
    • Readmission is generally approved for students who left in good academic standing, provided space is available.


  • Reinstatement: students who left UCSB on academic notice, subject to disqualification, or dismissed by dean’s action are eligible for reinstatement.
    • The dean of the student’s college will establish conditions of reinstatement.

Final decisions can take at least three weeks. Decisions depend on:

  • Student’s academic status
  • Date the form is received
  • College’s procedures

Students are notified by email of final decisions.

Open Quarters

Fall 2025

Priority deadline is May 1, 2025

Final deadline is June 2, 2025

Winter 2026 will open on April 1, 2025.

For all other quarters, please email

Spring 2026 will open on August 1, 2025.

For all other quarters, please email


For each readmission/reinstatement form, a $70 nonrefundable processing fee will be charged to the student’s BARC account.


Deadlines are strictly enforced. The University reserves the right to close admission prior to the published deadlines.

  Form opens* Priority deadline** Final Deadline**
Fall quarter August 1 May 1 June 1
Winter quarter April 1 October 1 November 1
Spring quarter August 1 January 15 February 15

*Application filing periods open the calendar year prior to the quarter in which readmission/reinstatement is sought. Applicants should begin the process early.

**If the deadline falls on a Saturday or Sunday or University holiday, it is extended to the next business day.

  • Priority deadline:
    • Gives the best chance of receiving a Pass 1 registration appointment time. 
    • High-priority students: since high-priority is only during Pass 1, it is highly recommended that you apply by the Priority deadline.
  • Final deadline:
    • After the deadline, students may contact their College Academic Advising Office to request late readmission/reinstatement. 
    • Exceptions to the Final deadline are rarely granted. 
    • Students who miss the Final deadline are strongly encouraged to request readmission/reinstatement for the following quarter due to course availability.

Important Information

Letters & Science


  • Students seeking readmission or reinstatement to the College of Engineering must have the approval of the dean. 
  • Students requesting reinstatement must submit an Academic Self Assessment and Study Plan with their readmission/reinstatement form. 
  • Students requesting readmission must submit a study plan with their readmission/reinstatement form. 
  • For more information visit the College of Engineering website regarding leaving and returning or contact the College of Engineering's Academic Advising Office.

Creative Studies

  • Students seeking readmission or reinstatement in the College of Creative Studies must submit a letter addressed to the Dean along with the readmission/reinstatement form.

Graduate students

Graduate students who wish to register after a break in enrollment must petition for reinstatement with the Graduate Division. Reinstatement is not automatic and requires the approval of the student's academic department; the student’s record will be evaluated in terms of academic performance and timely completion of the degree. Students who wish to reinstate and have exceeded the time limit for completion of the master's and/or doctoral degrees must also submit a plan and timetable for degree completion to their department and Graduate Division for review and approval.

Please contact the Graduate Division for more information on reinstatement.

If you have any questions about information on this page, please email