This page provides information about how to study abroad outside of UCEAP.

UCSB undergraduates in good academic standing who want to study abroad through non-UC sponsored programs during Fall, Winter, or Spring quarters; and who want to retain their enrollment priority, may do so by submitting a Non-UC Sponsored Study Abroad form. 

 Submit the Non-UC Sponsored Study Abroad form

This process:

  • Takes the place of the cancellation and readmission process
  • Ensures that registration pass times will be established in GOLD to allow registration prior to returning to UCSB
  • Ensures that state and federal financial aid may be available for students who have established financial aid eligibility for the UCSB campus

UCSB undergraduates may not participate in this program during their first quarter at UCSB.

 Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.

Steps Prior to Departure

  1. Apply for a passport, or
  2. Check your passport to make sure it has not expired
  1. Students are not covered by and not eligible for UC Health Insurance (USHIP) while on non-UC sponsored study abroad programs

Students who plan to travel to a country which is listed on the U.S. State Department's Travel Warning website must submit the waiver agreement.

Waiver of Liability form

  1. The non-refundable fee is $70.00
  2. Payable to the UC Regents through the BARC Office
  1. Students currently eligible to receive federal and state aid, may be eligible to receive aid while they are studying abroad.  This does require the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship to enter into a Consortium Agreement with the non-UC study abroad program.  Contact the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office for additional information and to complete the required forms.
  2. Contact your study abroad provider for information and instructions about requesting enrollment verifications for loan deferment while abroad.

Steps Prior to Returning

  1. Registration pass times will be assigned for the quarter you plan to return to UCSB. Register for courses during your assigned pass time.
  2. Check GOLD for blocks and messages about registration for the return quarter.
  3. Students who need to change their study abroad dates must notify the Office of the Registrar immediately by submitting a Non-UC Sponsored Study Abroad Leave & Return Request Form.
  1. Students must submit an official transcript from the university they attended abroad. Study abroad transcripts should be requested prior to leaving the program and need to be mailed to:
    • UCSB Office of Admissions 
      1210 Cheadle Hall 
      Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2014
  2. Once received, transcripts will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions to determine transfer credit. Units are not guaranteed until an official evaluation of the transcript is completed. Courses taken through non-UC Study Abroad programs do not affect a student's UC GPA (grade point average).

If you have any questions about information on this page, please email