This page provides information about ending enrollment at UCSB. Students who determine that they cannot complete a quarter must officially notify UCSB by canceling or withdrawing.

Course withdrawal: To withdraw from a course, please either drop the course in GOLD or, after the drop deadline, contact your college academic advising office. 


Cancellation of Enrollment refers to leaving UCSB:

  • before instruction for the quarter has started, or, 
  • after the quarter has started but the student is not registered and/or paid*.

Most domestic students can cancel their registration in GOLD, under the "Progress" menu, click on "Petitions." Then click the blue button for "Initiate Quarter Cancellation Petition."

Domestic students who are unable to use the GOLD Quarter Cancellation Petition: email the Cancellation Form to

International students Cancellation form

Complete Withdrawal

Complete Withdrawal refers to leaving UCSB:

  • after the quarter has started, and 
  • the student is registered and paid*.

Undergraduate complete withdrawal Graduate complete withdrawal

*Students can check their registration status (Reg Status) and payment status (Fee Status) for the quarter in GOLD by clicking on "Registration."

Undergraduate students



  • before the first day of instruction


  • Letters & Science: last day of instruction
  • Engineering: last day of instruction
  • Creative Studies: last day of finals

Eligibility to return to UCSB

New students

Newly admitted undergraduate students who cancel their enrollment will not be eligible for readmission and must reapply to the University through the regular undergraduate admission process and deadlines.

For further information contact the Office of Admissions.

Newly admitted undergraduate students who withdraw after instruction the quarter has started and are in a registered and paid status are eligible to return to UCSB in a future quarter via the readmission process.

Continuing students

Continuing undergraduate students who cancel or withdraw from UCSB are eligible to return to UCSB in a future quarter via the readmission/reinstatement process.


Undergraduate students who submit a completed withdrawal form after the final drop deadline for the quarter will receive a grade of ‘W’ for each course.

Graduate students

Continuous registration is required of graduate students. Leaves of Absence may be granted under extraordinary circumstances. Consult the Graduate Division for information.



  • before the first day of instruction


  • last day of finals

Important information for all students

Students should discuss their plan to withdraw or cancel with the Financial Aid Office before taking action. 

  • Federal and state regulations require that students who cancel or withdraw and received financial aid to 
    • Return a portion of their aid if they withdraw before completing 60% of the quarter, or 
    • Return 100% of aid if they cancel registration prior to the first day of instruction.

Students who purchased UC student health insurance (UCSHIP) coverage must contact Student Health Services (SHS). 

  • Cancelled students will not retain their insurance coverage for the cancelled quarter. 
  • Withdrawn students will automatically retain their insurance coverage for the remainder of the quarter as long as the premium is paid in full at the time of withdrawal. 
  • If the withdrawal happens before the 43rd day of the quarter and the insurance has not been used at SHS or off-campus, the student may request a refund of the premium by emailing
  • If the withdrawal happens on or after the 43rd day of the quarter or if the student used the insurance, there is no refund. Students will keep their insurance for the rest of the quarter.

Students are advised to consult with faculty, departmental or college advisers, and/or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) before withdrawing so as to consider the full implications of this action.

  • International students, NCAA student-athletes, EOP students, and students receiving Veterans Benefits should contact the appropriate office to discuss how withdrawal will impact their status and benefits. 

Students residing in university-owned residence halls and apartments must contact University and Community Housing Services.

Students who complete the enrollment process but discontinue work for the quarter without filing a withdrawal form will receive failing grades in all the courses in which they are enrolled. They are ineligible for a refund of fees and their future registration privileges may be blocked.

All library books and university-owned equipment must be returned prior to leaving UCSB. 

Withdrawn students will no longer have access to most campus services, such as the Recreation Center. Contact the individual office or department if you would like to use their services as a withdrawn student. 

  • MTD Bus Access: Withdrawn students will continue to have access to ride MTD buses for the remainder of their withdrawn quarter.

The Office of Student Life (OSL) may offer assistance with a current quarter withdrawal for a student who cannot due to serious medical or hardship circumstances. For more information, call (805) 893-4521.  

  • Requests made through OSL must receive final approval by the student’s college before the withdrawal form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar.


More information about tuition and fee refunds is available on this website.

Returning to UCSB

More information on returning to UCSB (readmission and reinstatement) is available on this website.

A cancellation or complete withdrawal stops ALL future enrollment at UCSB. Students who wish to return MUST request this either on the complete withdrawal form or using the readmission/reinstatement form, even if they have already registered for the next quarter. 

Additional Resources

More information on absences and withdrawal is available in the UCSB General Catalog.

If you have any questions about information on this page, please email